The British Sprint Championships 2024 will be held in Coventry at the University of Warwick on Sunday 23rd June. Octavian Droobers look forward to welcoming you all.  

19th June update:

Following the occupation of one of the buildings in the University central campus last weekend by the protest group 'Warwick Stands with Palestine' we have lost 10 control sites that were used by all the Finals courses. The lost control sites were in the middle section of courses so we have had to cut the length of most Finals courses by up to a third. Winning times for these shortened courses are likely to be 8-10 minutes!

Qualifier courses are unaffected.

We have worked closely with University Security to ensure that the out of bounds areas established will keep everyone safe. Please respect the OOB areas that are shown on the maps.

This week we have replanned the courses and reprinted the maps for all Finals courses.
M/W18 & 20 ' A ' Finalists have changed courses but all other classes remain on the same courses.

This has all been made possible this week by a mighty effort by Bruce Bryant, our planner and mapper. We are grateful to British Orienteering for meeting the extra costs involved, and BML for being so accommodating.

We hope you will understand the situation and that it will not detract from your enjoyment of the event. The alternatives were postponement to an unknown date in the future or cancellation. We considered shortened Finals courses as the best option.

Phil Kirk, Organiser